Playing Tourists!

We did the usual thing while my older sis visited, Pike Place Market (both of us really loved going to the Market),we checked out the Seattle Waterfront, and for the first time we rode the Seattle Great Wheel (it was scary at first but we got over it quickly and were totally blown away with the Seattle view!)I love Seattle during summer. The city is so pretty and it was so special to share these moments with my sis!

Our view while riding the Ferris Wheel
Can you spot the needle?
Can you spot the needle?
Sis at the Gum Wall
Sis at the Gum Wall
How cute is this store with all the hanged chilis?
How cute is this store with all of the hanging chiles?
Post Alley
Post Alley
Pretty Flowers
Pretty Flowers
Yummy Seafood!
Yummy Seafood!
why so expensive Morel?
why are the Morels so expensive?!
pretty Seattle summer day!
pretty Seattle summer day!
enjoying happy hour at cutters!
enjoying happy hour at cutters!
enjoying Gelato!
enjoying Gelato!

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