Hi Friends! It’s been a month since the last time I’ve been here. The rest of February went so fast! We visited the ocean for a weekend, we try to do this every year (we plan to do more of this). We had friends over for dinner recently. When its’ sunny outside we go on family walks and enjoy the park. It’s still cold outside but signs of spring are showing, so that’s exciting! 🙂

We always go to Bennets Fish Shack when we visit Ocean Shores! We like their prime rib sandwich and some seafood dishes like crab melt sandwich.

We had date nights in the month of February!

We watched Dogman the movie. Silly movie….


Strawberry chocolate! She had fun making this:)

Homeschooling/painting time!

Tonight, we had teriyaki/sushi/ramen! We do takeout every Friday night.

I’m looking forward to watching Kdrama and this durian ice cream (this had been the best durian ice cream for us, so creammmmyyyyy! exclusively from Costco!)
Hope you are having a good Friday evening friends!