Birthday Weekend!

Hi Friends! This weekend we had fun celebrating Matthew’s birthday. We had a simple family dinner with my In laws. We surprised the kids at Playtorium (indoor playground) and lunch at Red Robbin last Saturday. It was a fun filled day event of playtime, shopping for gifts, and dinosaur ballon!

Friday night, we stopped by at Costco to get his birthday cake (we ordered some dinosaur cake toppers at amazon!He was amazed by it!HA). It was a simple and special celebration of our little miracle! Thank You God for blessing us with Matthew.

Birthday boy having a meltdown at Costco parking because he saw some of the halloween costumes and we will not get him any of them.

Stopping at Chic fil a for dinner!

It’s been years since we had Red Robbin. We had one in our area before but Costco bought the area so lots of shops closed and moved to the neighboring cities.

Dinner with the family. We had Prime rib roast, crab cakes, roast veggies! I wasn’t able to use my “pretty” plates and transfer the veggies to a nicer container!HA..Ooopppsss…

Enjoying some of his gifts this morning!

Have a great Monday night friends! Take care and stay safe.

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