Hi Friends! Happy Thanksgiving! I pray you will have a wonderful time with family and friends and eating delicious food. We had a relaxing day today watching Korean Drama (My Mister), ordered Chicken Tikka Masala and Biryani Chicken from our favorite Pakistani Restaurant. We were just talking about how lucky we are to have such a diverse community and the restaurants are pretty great.
Hubs went to the grocery because he wanted to try new appetizers for tomorrow. OH BOY! It will be potluck style tomorrow so we didn’t have to do a lot of cooking. Just two sides and appetizers, that’s all! Our Thanksgiving table is done too because I had the same flowers from our Friendsgiving!HA .
I did laundry and vacuumed the house just to get a little ahead with the housework so I can relax and be lazy this thanksgiving weekend! I also read this minimalist book I borrowed from the library (online).
I’ll be done reading this book by tomorrow. It’s been an interesting one, reading about minimalism, simplifying books really encourage me to continue with my decluttering and low spend journey. Lot’s of sales are happening now, I do have a list of what I will be getting like new PJs for the family and shoes for Mia. I will be intentional (so far so good!).
Have a nice Thanksgiving Eve friends! Take Care and Stay Safe:) Talk Later!