Hi friends! We’ve been enjoying some fall weather this week! Leaves are starting to change their colors and something is in the air that tells me the HOLIDAY season is upon us! HA! I’m not really into holiday decor/pumpkin everything type of person (I do decorate for Christmas!), but I do try to add a little something into my everyday life that seems fitting for the season. Last week we shopped at Trader Joes and they had lots of fun stuff that I don’t mind trying this month.
I’m excited for October because it’s Mia’s birthday month (no party for her because of covid) but we still want to make it a little special for her! She is into paw patrol lately so she’ll get some paw patrol stuff for her bday gifts.
This month I plan to do lots of “cozy” things! HA! My sister is with us and she’s also into Hygge lifestyle. We plan to declutter, drink lots of coffee, home cooked meals, candles, fireplace, reading books, and HALLMARK movies too!

Going to hangout with Hubs and sister now! Going to watch a movie and enjoy a drink ( tea for me and wine for sis, margarita for hubs!!) Later friends!