Bye September!

Hi Friends! September is Over,can you believe it? Time flies so fast. It’s been a busy week for us. Busy, because Mia goes to preschool 4 times a week, and I’m still getting use to the dropping and picking her up from school routine. It’s so fun to see her and her little friends together when she’s in school. She loves being with them, I’m personally enjoying her stories after school and how her day went. I miss her when she’s not with us, but the school sends us pictures of their activities. She is growing so fast!

Loving our neighborhood during this time!
school time!
driving to school!

I’m still decluttering and I vacuumed /shampooed our carpets this week. I’ve been wanting to do this for a while and feels great that this is finally done! With the holidays coming, I’m glad this task is over.

Park time when it’s not raining outside!

Got to visit my Doctor for a follow up check up this week. See you next year Doc!HA! Tomorrow the kids will visit their dentist. That would be fun!NOT…

We mostly ate at home this month too. Hubs and I cooked:) He did butter chicken and it was good. He really loves getting butter chicken from a local restaurant and it was getting expensive so he wanted to try making it himself. The recipe was a winner!

Butter Chicken
Oyster Po Boy for lunch!
Carne Asada tacos!
Steak with the usual fixings!
Costco’s burnt ends and loaded potatoes

With all the inflation news and stock limitations in the grocery stores, I’m planning to take my “stocking” seriously. Nothing crazy though,but I plan to buy extra things of what we need and use. I’m no prepper or hoarder but with young kids depending on us, it’s just smart to be prepared. I will make a lists of what I want to get in the coming weeks, and hopefully they won’t be out of stock. This is what I got this week to add to my pantry:)

One crazy thing that happened in our September was that somebody cut our catalytic converter out of Hub’s car. It’s in the auto shop right now and will cost us a whopping $2,500 to fix the whole mess! UGH! God help them..

Stay safe and take care friends!

Happy First Day of Fall!

It’s officially fall, I can see it everywhere here in our neighborhood! When driving Mia to her preschool, it’s so pretty because the leaves are changing colors already and the weather is cooling too. It’s been a tiring week here because Matthew had runny nose (thank God no fever/cough) and he’s back to his bouncy self now. He was suppose to have a hearing test yesterday but got cancelled due to that. Going to have to wait another 2 months to get him tested.

I’ve been doing lots of decluttering lately, so I have really no desire to decorate for fall,maybe have fresh flowers or plants and that’s it! I did get two decorative squashes to put on the mantle:)

Mia is really loving her preschool and it’s so special to watch her play and listen to her talk about her day at school. They do the pledge of allegiance everyday and she said “I cannot wait to lead the class mommy and hold the flag, I love America mommy”!

I did the grocery this week and lots of fun fall products out there! I didn’t buy any…

With the cold weather here, I made two soups already. Mung Bean soup with pork belly and kale! Hubs really like this.

Beef soup (Beef Nilaga in the Philippines). This is the kids fave:)

A little self pampering this week. This was a relaxing bath:)

Have a great day friends! Stay safe:)

Ocean Shores

Hello Friends! We just got back from our annual Ocean Shores vacation yesterday! We arrived Thursday afternoon and got back Sunday afternoon. I’m so tired!HA. Traveling and Packing when you have kids to consider can be a lot of work. This time I did keep things simple like their clothes (rental had a washer/dryer) and we didn’t pack a lot of snacks.

We had fun and lots of family time together with my In laws. The kids loved being at the ocean and playing in the sand, flying a kite and eating junky food like s’mores and ice cream! Hubs and DIL did puzzles together. The weather was great (only rained one time). I just love the smell of the ocean and feeling the breeze ! Till next time Ocean Shores:)

Mia loved seeing the deer so close to us!
He loves halibut:)
Ice cream time

We ordered Chinese food when we got home because we’re so tired and I missed eating rice since I didn’t bring my rice cooker this Ocean trip! I missed it so much.HA

Have a great Monday and stay safe friends! Take Care:)

Special Week!

Hello Friends! Happy Saturday:) This week was special for us because Matthew turned 2! Our little Miracle baby, whose growing so well….it’s hard to believe he was premature (born at 26 weeks/6 months) and stayed in the NICU for 3 months is all energy today! Thank You Jesus:) We had a simple day for him and we’ll have another celebration for him this labor day when family comes over.

He got magnatiles from his Auntie, and we spent time at the park (one of his fave thing to do) and got him Chick Fil A! Hubs made bananas foster for us with vanilla ice cream that we got for a birthday dessert! Happy Birthday MattieBoo 🙂

Mia also got to meet her teachers at her preschool this week. She’s so excited to start preschool and get to learn together with new friends. She already got to play with her classmates. I can’t believe she’s growing so fast. She will have so much fun and I’m really excited for her.

somebody wants to join the class! HA
Bananas Foster courtesy from Daddy!
Thank You Aery Till!
Birthday Treat
they love playing in the park!

Have a good night friends! Stay safe and take care!