Weekend Fun!

It’s been a quiet weekend here at home, raining most of the time! We stayed home aside from our grocery shopping and Mia’s soccer game. Hubs and I finished a korean drama, “Touch my Heart”, kinda slow for us but we enjoyed it. We love our Kdramas here! Wholesome shows compared to most American tv series..HA

Mia and I had a little tea party last Friday! She’s been asking me to do this for a while and I finally said YES! I used to collect Lenox Butterfly Meadow collection. I got their tea set collection a while ago, so I’m happy that I get to use it with her now. I don’t collect Lenox anymore. Mia loves having a tea party because I get to spoil her with cookies and sweet treats. She got a sweet tooth for sure:) It’s so fun to make special memories with her.

Grandpa stopped by this weekend too and dropped off some treats for the kids and sandwiches for us!YUM


Our rhododendrons are blooming right now, it’s so pretty outside! They’re all over our neighborhood right now.

Enjoyed this Salmon Poke this weekend.

Lots of stickers and reading her fave books today because we can’t go outside due to rain and the park is wet!BLAHHH

Have a good Monday night friends! Blessings

Super Easy Pasta

I made this Tuna Puttanesca pasta yesterday and it was delicious and filling. I used fresh tomatoes instead of canned and omitted the pepper flakes because the kids don’t like spicy food. I got the recipe from the Food Network website. This is a dish where most of the ingredients can be found in your pantry. I used left over tuna though because we had tuna sandwiches days ago and we used fresh tuna. Original Recipe

I’m trying to use and cook from my pantry lately because I’m done wasting food. I’ve been guilty of throwing ingredients because of buying too much and not using it right away. That is money wasted. Ugh!

So Good!
I love my new dutch oven! I used it for the first time.

Have a good night friends!

Mother’s Day!

Our Mother’s day last week was so fun and special. We celebrated both Mother’s day and my MIL’s 70th birthday. The kids did a little art project for their Nana and she loved it. We ordered Chinese food to make it easy and relaxing for everybody. My Hubs spoiled me too much too!HA.. he gifted me a Le Creuset pan and dutch oven (both in Agave color) I love it:) He made crepes for breakfast and showered me with Roses. Thanks, Ga!

My In laws gifted me an Amazon card and I used it to order Fresh/Prime grocery because I want to add more to our stockpile/pantry. I plan to do a pantry challenge next month.

I hope you had a lovely Mother’s Day! Some pics I took during our celebration:)

Mother’s Day breakfast!

Amazon Fresh groceries!

It’s a sunny Sunday here and we are just relaxing at home. Going to watch our Church sermon online. Will probably go outside and enjoy the sunshine too. Talk later friends!


Hello Friends! Long time without hearing from me. I took the time off because last February I started experiencing tinnitus (ringing in the ear), first time to have that happening to me. I have a hard time sleeping and was so anxious that I have to go to the urgent care to have it looked at. February and March was full of doctors and specialists appointments. I still have my tinnitus but I’m dealing with it in a better way now, and I’m getting decent sleep so that helps big time. I’m thankful that I have access to good healthcare and get the help I need. Praise the Lord!

Aside from this, life is pretty normal here, raising kids and taking care of family/home. Mia finally learned to ride a bike (she was just using her balance bike) and she’s very good at it. We upgraded it with a pedal kit. She likes to go FAST!HA.. Growing so fast and such a big girl now. Matthew is starting to practice scooter and getting the hang of it. Hubs and I celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary! Love you Hubs, you’re the best:)

I hope you are all staying healthy and enjoying your week! Talk later:)

Some pics I took from what we’ve been up to:

Matthews first haircut!
Pretending it’s summer!HA
Ramen date with Hubs!
Crabs benedict for Easter brunch
Easter 2021 spread!
Weekend Breakfast
The best daddy!