Hi Friends! Lots of things have happened since my last post. I had an emergency Cesarean section to deliver our baby boy (we named him Matthew!). I thank God that both Matthew and I are doing well now (born at 27 weeks). He is in a Seattle NICU right now; There are good and bad days but all in all he is doing good! I’m home and recovering well from my CS surgery. We are trying to get back to our normal routine while our little Matthew is in the hospital (visiting him, pumping for breast milk, taking care of Mia and the house; I’m exhausted! Hubs is on leave but it’s coming to an end soon..Boo..
Anyways, hope you’re all doing well friends! Thanks for all your prayers and messages for our Matthew! Thankful that he’s getting the best care in the NICU right now, NICU nurses and doctors are the best! They’re truly heroes in this world!