Mt. Rainier, Washington State!

Hello Friends! Before we went to Oregon, we stopped first at Mt. Rainier. My sisters have never been there and wanted to see it, and because it was such a beautiful day we decided that it was worth the extra time. I’m so glad to share this special time with my family  (got to enjoy God’s creation). Mt. Rainier didn’t disappoint! My hubs took the pictures and I think he captured the beauty of the place.

With Sisterakas
The whole gang!

Gods Creation!


Oregon Trip!

Hello friends! Last week (days before Mia’s Bday) we did a quick road trip to Oregon. We visited Portland, Cannon Beach, and Seaside. Originally we wanted to see Multnomah Falls, but due to the fire that happened recently, it was still closed to the public. It was still fun spending time with family ( it was more of a food trip! HA! we ate too much) despite that it was a very hectic schedule. We ate at PokPOK thai restaurant (everybody loved their famous fish sauce chicken wings and thai iced tea). We enjoyed the ice cream at salt and straw, had doughnuts at Voodoo, shared sandwiches at St. Honore Boulangerie Cafe (Zach’s fave every time we visit Portland). We had seafood at The Crabby Oyster (food was Okay, nothing special) in Seaside.

What a quick yet fun road trip with family! It helped that Mia “cooperated” the whole time. She was such a little trooper!

*pics overload

Our rental car, so comfortable!

her fave thing to do! swing time

Beautiful day at Cannon Beach
with my Sisters! Road trips are more fun when you genuinely get along with family:)

Cannon Beach

Cannon Beach stroll

Sis after our salt and straw adventure
Till and Aca sharing ice cream at Salt and Straw
waiting for our sandwiches and salads

Auntie Chack and Uncle Chad with Mia
Voodoo Doughnuts! Zach’s order, I had the coffee
Till and Aca at Moda Center! Home of the Portland Blazers
Dinner at PokPok
fish sauce chicken wings

Mia’s 1st Birthday!

Hello friends! We celebrated Mia’s 1st birthday last Saturday! We invited some of our family and friends.  It was such a fun afternoon! Thanks to everyone who took the time to celebrate with us. She sure is growing so fast, we love seeing her little personality blossom. We love you Mia, you’re our little miracle and answered prayer from the Lord! We pray that you will have a heart for Jesus!

Opening her bday gifts from family and friends! thanks to everyone for their generosity!
smash cake time!

Thanks to my sisters for traveling to celebrate her bday with us!

one tired mama!HA
with Grandma Kathy
thank You Faye for your gift!hehe, we loved it!

her Bday flowers we got from Pike Market!


Mia’s birthday cake! Thanks to my sisters for buying her cake!
We had Filipino food (lechon/roast pig, lumpia,chopsuey,pansit). Thanks to my sisters for buying the lechon!